This Is What The Color And Smell Of Your P00p Tell About Your Health

Aug 25th, 2019
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I am pretty sure that most people think that this is a highly weird topic. After all, who wants to talk about p00p? But it is an important topic, to be honest. It is an essential part of your life. Some people even excrete more than once daily. On top of that, it can reveal a lot about your health.

Check the article below to know what the color, size and smell and stool indicate about your health.

1 Type 1- Small, hard lumpy stool

This kind of p00p occurs due to acute dysbacteriosis. This can be caused by the inflammation of the small intestines. If you also experience pain, then this is a confirmation.

2 Type 2- Sausage shaped stool with lumps

This is common in people who are suffering from constipation. This happens due to the accumulation of stool in the intestines for a long period.


3 Type 3- Sausage shaped stool but with cracked surface

The difference between this and the second type is the processing is faster here.

4 Type 4- Sausage or snake type of stool with smooth and soft surface

This is the perfect kind of stool and indicated that one doesn't have any health problems related to digestion.


5 Type 5- Soft blobs of stool with clear-cut edges

Since the stool is soft, passing is smooth. A person experiencing this stool probably excretes at least twice in a day.

6 Type 6- Fluffy stool with ragged edges

This type of p00p can indicate that the individual is suffering from hypertension, stress or blood pressure.


7 Type 7- Diarrheal type of stool- loose

This is most common in kids as well as elders. Although we know it as diarrhea, its real name is paradoxical diarrhea

8 Check the picture below to find out more about your health by the color of your p00p.


9 Have you ever wondered why p00p gives a foul smell?

While p00p always gives a foul smell, for some people that smell becomes extremely nasty. This indicated that the individual has severe digestive problems including celiac disease, Crohns disease, Pancreatitis, Cystic fibrosis.


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