Study Reveals That Women With Big Back Are Smarter and Healthier

Feb 23rd, 2020
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Almost everyone is aware of the fact that being overweight is not at all beneficial for your health, however, if you have a bit more mass in your back, it can be good for your health.


Researchers at the University of Oxford and Churchill Hospital have published a new review where they claim that people who have more fat in their thighs and backside have better protection from various diseases such as diabetes, various heart diseases along with other ailments related to obesity.


According to the study, women who have bigger back have significantly low levels of cholesterol and are also better at producing hormones which help in metabolizing sugar. Also, your Omega 3 fat levels are more if you have a big back, and these are extremely good in increasing brain development.



According to Dr. Michael Jensen, director of endocrine research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn, the best place to have some extra fat in the lower body. Your leptin levels also increase when you have a big back. Leptin is a hormone which is known for controlling weight. Also, production of another hormone called inspecting, which has anti-inflammatory, vascular-protective, and anti-diabetic attributes is also improved.


But experts are not sure whether these advantages are better than those gained from being just thin. According to Jensen, if a person is thin or has a normal weight, he or she will be completely healthy, just as that person who has more fat in the lower body.



However, genetics gets to decide where the extra fat will be stored. So if you are one of those lucky women who have wide hips and a bigger back, then be happy knowing that you are a bit more healthy than others with the same weight but different fat placement.

There are many ways that will help you to get in shape and fit. But you have to choose the method according to your body. Click here to check out some guides that may help you to find out your suitable diet and exercises.

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