Everyday Uses For Peanut Butter That You Never Knew Existed

Jan 27th, 2018
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It’s a safe bet that peanut butter, as popular and useful as it as food-wise, is in almost every house.

In addition to the obvious intended use as a snack, peanut butter’s got an oily, versatile property that makes it incredibly useful in a number of different ways around the house. See how with the tips below!


Did you know peanut butter is good for more than just sandwiches? Here’s a list of twenty surprising uses for peanut butter. Make sure you pick up a big jar next time you’re at the store! By the way, if you have a peanut allergy, most of these methods will work with a replacement. Try sunflower seed butter, because it’s usually the natural oils doing all the work.

2 cleaning glue off hands

It's no secret that soap and water isn't that effective when cleaning glue off hands and we know that gluey hands after a crafty session is enough to want to peel your skin off. Ouch! Luckily the oils found in peanut butter do a good job with getting the glue off. Rub onto hands and then rinse with water. Voila!


3 Moisturize Dry Summer Hair

Once you get past the "ick" factor, peanut butter can work miracles on dry and damaged hair! All you need to do is take a handful of peanut butter and rub it directly into your scalp. Doing this will infuse the peanut butter's natural oils into your hair and you'll be left with goddess-like tresses! Be sure to follow with your regular shampoo after rinsing out the peanut butter.

4 Mouse trap bait

What do you put at the end of a mouse trap? Cheese, right? Because mice love cheese! Wrong. That’s what cartoons have made you believe, but, in reality, mice aren’t big fans of cheese. They do, however, love peanut butter. (Can you blame them?) Put a big spoonful at the end of a humane mousetrap, and you’ll get them out of your house in no time!


5 Shaving cream

If you’re all out of shaving cream, never fear! Smear on a thin layer of smooth peanut butter and shave as you normally would. The oils in the peanut butter keep the razor from nicking your face or legs, and also acts as a moisturizer!

6 Squeaky doors

Squeaky doors can be really irritating! Silence them by rubbing a little peanut butter on the culprit hinge and all will be well again.


7 get rid of scratches

Out of wood polish and desperately want to get rid of scratches? Cover the scratches with some PB, leave it on for roughly an hour, then wipe and buff.

8 Clean Leather and Vinyl

Mix scented oil with peanut butter and simply rub it onto the affected area to restore it to its previous glory.


9 Odor eliminator

After cooking fish for dinner, your house smells fishy for days! Why don’t any air fresheners cover up that stench? Guess what works perfectly. That’s right–peanut butter! Put a tablespoon of smooth peanut butter in the frying pan (once your dinner has been taken out!) and fry it for a minute or two.

10 Ice Cream Cone Preserver

A primary scoop of peanut butter in an ice cream cone will prevent the ice cream from dripping through the bottom. Ice cream-covered hands might sound adorable in theory, but are extremely sticky in practice.This way, the bottom of your cone is a smooth, peanut buttery surprise instead of a soggy mess.


11 Lubricant

Similar to how peanut butter’s oils can eliminate squeaks, they can also act as a lubricant for other things around your house and shed. You can use it on lawn mower blades, saws, and a variety of other tools. This is handy because you might not have lubricant in the house, but you more than likely will have peanut butter.

12 Ant bait

Instead of buying chemical-laden ant bait, make some yourself using simple ingredients you have at home. Mix two teaspoons of peanut butter, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and a teaspoon of borax. Apply it wherever you’ve noticed ants coming in to your home. Be sure to keep your pets away from this bait, though.


13 Remove Gum from Carpets, Too

The same way you would from hair! Oily peanut butter is your best defense against gum

14 Use It to Feed Medicine to Your Dog

Dogs hate pills, but if you cover them in peanut butter, your pup will wolf them down without even knowing they’re taking medicine!


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