15 seriously scary pictures that you'll wish weren't real

Dec 10th, 2017
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15 Seriously Scary Pictures That You'll Wish Weren't Real

1 A facial composite of Mozart, 1777.

2 Madam Violet, Queen of the Edinburgh Vampire Hive: She was voted scariest woman alive in the UK in 1882 and 1884.


3 This image was caught by CCTV within a hospital. The figure on top of the patient appeared briefly before the patient's death a few hours later.

4 Husband took this photo pretending his wife was still alive, two days after her death.


5 This beautiful work of at, "Kiss of Death", at Barcelona's Poblenou Ceremony.

6 Skeletal hand of St. Valentine, bedecked in enough jewels and gold to buy food for a small country.


7 The bound feet of a Chinese woman, compared to a teacup on the right, and normal woman's shoe on the left.

8 Yet another paranormal photo taken in Pennsylvania's Gettysberg. The man was not there until after the photo was developed. Believe it or not, photos like this are not uncommon.


9 Klara Hitler, Adolf's mother.

10 This mysterious sea-creature washed ashore at Folly Beach. It's over 10 foot long and sports bony spikes along its torso.


11 John Torrington was part of the Franklin Expedition of 1840. The crew's ship sunk, and as a result of lead poisoning from tainted cans, the final few men became derainged and attempted to carry furniture across Canada on foot. Torrington was buried in permafrost in 1846, which preserved him perfe

12 Beginning in the 1980s, all kinds of strange holes like this one have been discovered in Russian forests. No construction equipment, sign of human interference, or knowledge about any work there has ever been reported. A real mystery.


13 Car accident in 1945.

14 Strange sea creature caught on camera.


15 From a Victorian photo album, date unkown.


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