Celebs With Secret Flaws You May Not Have Noticed: Kind Of Shocking!

May 4th, 2020
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Famous people are loved, seemingly more so if they seem to be perfect, but these famous people will bring you back to reality, revealing that nobodys perfect.

1 Megan Fox

Megan Fox has spent the majority of her time on screen as an absolute unattainable beauty. But even she doesnt have it perfect in the physical department, the actress has a clubbed thumb.

2 Stephen Colbert

You may not have been aware of it, but Stephen Colbert has a unique ear. As a child, he suffered from a ruptured eardrum which caused him to become deaf in his right ear. He can now bend the ear inward and flip it as he chooses. Making it just another charming thing about this man.


3 Tina Fey

Tina Fey is beloved for her humor, intelligence, wisdom and looks but did you know she has a distinct facial scar? At the tender age of five, she was playing in her front yard when she was attacked by a stranger who violently slashed her across the face with a knife. The attacker was never found, but Fey doesnt let it stop her. She says she spent most of her like being confidently unaware of it.

4 Denzel Washington

When Denzel Washington was a kid, he loved playing basketball. He broke it during a game, and it was never reset properly so today it is very much disjointed from the other fingers though when he smiles or enters a room, its doubtful anyone even remembers if he has hands, much less if theres anything wrong with them


5 Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg is a man of many talents and an equally talented body. People cant help but notice his incredible physique, but one thing they may not be so quick to notice is that he happens to have a third nipple.

6 Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner is simply one of the most perfect-looking humans ever to live. She is so beautiful, has a darling personality and a voice you cant help but adore, but you probably didnt know that her big toes are shorter than her other toes.


7 Damon Wayans

Damon Wayans has been mighty successful for a good 30+ years. He is someone to look up to for his career, but what many dont know about him is that he suffers from a clubbed foot. As a result, he rarely ever goes barefoot.

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