18 Times Where Airport Security Turned Into Humiliation

Apr 13th, 2021
Name Team

Security is of major concern in the airline industry to keep us free from terrorists. However, airport security can sometimes become a display of humiliation, and since no one is going to question a security guard for checking, the person is touched despite having passed though tons of sensors. This shows that too much liberty can be dangerous as well. Take a look at 18 such instances where airport security check became something much more than just a normal routine security check.

1 Smiling is not allowed during security checking.

2 Just looking for guns and bombs.


3 We are almost done humiliating you.

4 Listen old lady, if you dont follow my instructions, you will be labelled as a terrorist.


5 We dont really care about your convenience.

6 Those look very suspicious.


7 How come you arent wearing a belt? You are a terrorist, arent you?

8 Whoa! Is that a weapon or what?


9 You cant complain, maam. We have full liberty of invading your private space.

10 This old lady who is in a wheelchair might be carrying a big bomb or a gun.


11 Dont make such faces.

12 Making people strip is a part of the job.


13 Our job of humiliating you is almost done.

14 Come on, dont be shy. Let me take a look.


15 Who knows? You might be hiding a bomb there.

16 Are you hiding a gun there?


17 Dont look anywhere else, Maam.

18 Take it down, kid. Just doing my job.


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